Gloating bout Gload
Ross Gload's 9th inning, one-out grand slam on friday night marks the turning point of the 2006 Sox season. A game that was lost suddenly was won, and a long losing streak is now 2-game winning streak. I still think Ozzie needs to shuffle the line-up and move Thome down to the 5 or 6 spot, but I think they need to stick with the pitching they've got. Vazquez will come around, trust me... But now the Sox are back on the offensive, and if I was the Tigers, I'd be scared.
Last monday turned out to be not so great. Eh - such is life. I'm still buried at work. In the little free time I've had, I've been having a fucking blast playing softball. My teams lost both tuesday and friday, but they were good fun games nonethless. I played some awsome D at 3B, and am hitting the ball solidly. The suburban league is back at it tomorrow night, and again on thursday, and next sunday - so that's 4 games in 2 weeks. The city league is on hiatus for 2 whole weeks, thanks to fucking Lalapaloozer.
I'm working some angles on some potentially exciting projects. If any of them come to pass, look for updates here next week.
I'm also eating and drinking everything in sight in an effort to gain 5-8 pounds. I'm just too thin. Today it was a huge pizza and about 20 corn fritters.
Had a quick but satisfying session with my MILF on thursday. Sometimes sex just feels so goooooood....
Sorry no pictures lately. My Hello publisher keeps going down on me (not what it sounds like), and reinstalling is a bitch. I'll try to get it up (again, not that) later this week in an effort to continue my participation in Half-Naked Thursday (HNT).