Hot Stove League - Around the horn

Photo stolen from the AP

There has been some baseball news out there. the East Coast media is tripping all over itself to report on all things Theo, now that the young Mr. Epstein has rejoined the Red Sox. The players seems to go out of their way to speak well about him. And you can't argue with the guys track record. But the way the media is covering the story, you'd think the Red Sox won the Series last year. reminder - WORLD FUCKING CHAMPION CHICAGO WHITE SOX!
Frank Thomas has signed a one-year deal with the Oakland A's. Sweet revenge for Frank if he comes back to beat on the Sox this year.
Baltimore is now the official home of every unwanted castoff in major league baseball. Kris Benson, and all that comes with him, was traded to the O's last week for a pair of minor leaguers. This would normally not make the news, as Benson is a 31-year old sore arm bonus baby with a lifetime 57-61 record, and an ERA of 4.25. However, everyone is interested in his "sexy" but nutty wife Anna, who took the opportunity at the press conference to model a jersey and expouse her usual verbal bullshit. But any reason to post a picture... she is nice to look at... but the pretty ones are always - ALWAYS - fucking insane!
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