Sunday, January 15, 2006

Bad News For Baseball Nerds

After reading this, it really makes me want to fuckin kill every lawyer on the planet.


At 4:45 PM, Blogger EasyW said...


hey - I dig yer site (even though you are a lawyer) so I added a link...

At 12:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off, I agree with you (though a little less violent towards attorneys) on the subject of this article. Crap.
Secondly, I've been meaning to write for some time. I like your site, your stories, and the "visual content" that often accompanies your more intimate encounters. Your article about the death of your iPod was extremely well written and funny. Anyway, without kissing your ass, keep writing. Someone, somewhere, is reading. BTW, when do we get to see pics of the MILF? HA! Thanks, John B. PS. Plan on having a blog up soon. I'm a Cards fan (baseball in general) and would maybe want to link to your site.

At 4:39 AM, Blogger EasyW said...

View a picture of a dead ringer for the MILF in my archive, Jan 6 2005!

Please send along the Cards link once its up. If the Sox would've played them in the Series instead of the Astros, it maybe would've gone at least 5 games.

Thanks for droppin by.

At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds good. The site won't really focus on the Cards, but will probably include some baseball banter on occasion. And I'd say the series between the Cardinals and the Sox would've gone six games. That's the CARDS in six...


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