Wednesday, February 09, 2005



I can't think of a title today...

Just got back from a brief sojourn down to Hyde Park. Only had time to drop off some family stuff and go right back to the real world. No Powells. No Jimmys (but U of C girls take note - I'll be making a personal appearance there on saturday night). I took the Metra Electric, and was struck by a few things:

  1. the station at 57th (and 55th and 56th) is so nice and new. Sure beats the way it looked when I used to ride it when it was the old IC line (see pic above). Having 57th as the hub makes a lot more sense than 59th - that street is way more busy...
  2. The cars on the line are in desperate need of an interior makeover.
  3. The new main hub of Randolph Street station is very nice. The lighting in the main section is amazing. However, they need to add natural lighting to the platforms. Until they do, that section is still an old rat hole.

    Also, while we've all been watching the development of the South Loop over the past decade, I had no idea how many huge, tall high rises were going up right across from Solider Field. These buildings are massive. I wonder who is going to live in such a boring neighborhood.

    Today, I listen to Bill Evans' "Live At the Village Vanguard". The legendary NY jazz club is celebrating its 70th birthday this week.


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