Go west
There's not much to analyze from the first two games of this series. They are what they are. The Sox pitching and defense keeps them close. They're not hitting. If he can't hit, can't get on base, and can no longer steal, I wonder what sPods future with the Sox is... Why is he even on the roster? Why not give Ozuna a shot?
Talk on the train and around the water cooler at the salt mines had every drone giving their unqualified opinion on last night's controversial call. My cousin, a southside native, called me from Oakland today. He had a discussion with an Angels fan who was bellyachin about it all day. Lucky? Fuck that shit. Try being a Chicago baseball fan for 30 years then tell me about luck. Here's a new angle on last night's game: luck or no luck, THE SOX DESERVED IT! I don't care how they win, just fuckin win. Steal cheat lie kill. Do whatever it takes to bring a World Series to Chicago. As Chicago baseball fans, we've all invested a lot of our time and money, and expended a lot of emotional energy, in these losing teams over the decades. Goddamn it, just do it once, just once! (I guess if the world ends tomorrow, at least I'll always have memories of the 85 Bears.).
I'm nearly done with the Studs Lonigan Trilogy. Studs is a hopeless character, and Farrell does a not-so-good job of foreshadowing the ending (gee, I wonder what's going to happen? Is Studs gonna die?). A big difference from Bellow's Augie March character. Makes me want to reread that all over again. Farrell's got a lot of good stuff in here. Next time I'm in Hyde Park, I want to go down to the corner of 58th and Indiana and see Studs old 'hood. I have a feeling I'll just be driving thru and not stopping and walking around.
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