Tuesday, April 05, 2005

12 inches of love

coming soon - another one of my vices

No Sox game today, so I'm watching the Cub and drinking Old Style.

After havin such a bllast playing my first full season of 12 inch since 1996, I've signed on to two teams this year. Luckily, my main team will be playing in Grant Park as opposed to Lincoln Park, which makes my commute between the financial district, the game, and my initial point of commute - Union Staion - much easier than having to schlep up to the fields at North and Clark.

One problem, I'm in need of a post game watering hole. Preferrably, one that is frequented by slutty art-like goth chicks from the Institute and Columbia. Sure, I know about Cal's, but what else is down that way? Suggestions would be much appreciated.

On a down note, legendary Chicagoian and Southsider (and Nobel laurete) Saul Bellow has died. Bellow's prose is dense, but The Adventures of Augie March is accessable and one my all time favorites. I never knew the man, but did ride in an elevator with him once, near the corner of 59th and Dorchester.


At 7:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what up, EZ?! Cubs rule! Seriously though—CUBS RULE!

Just jokin', man, dig the blog. Nice mix of baseball and sex, although lately you're slackin' on the lovin' details. don't get to caught up in the rawhide and neglect the booty, bro!!!


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