Monday, November 21, 2005

Going it alone

I know most don't care, but for me, its big deal. I can state with confidence this blog never realized its original idea. I've never even lived in Bridgeport. That's OK - the blog has evolved into something else, not better or worse, just different from the idea I envisioned.

If I continue, I'll re-consider how to tackle the topic of sex. I have some ideas of expanding in this area. And, no, that doesn't mean I'm 'bi-curious', though there's nothing wrong with that. I've received mixed feedback on my sex writing - few like it, others not. I've moved away from recounting my experiences here because, thru my own laziness, the rhetoric had devloved into high school locker room-style boasting. I've written (few) erotic-style postings here. The few I have written have been OK. Truth be told, unlike some bloggers, I don't it necessary to describe the minute details of every sexual encounter I have. While those experiences are always fun, not all are worth writing about.

Then there is the other part of this blog - baseball. I love baseball. Its a love affair I've had for 30 years and some of my fondest, and earliest, childhood memories are assicoated with the game. I love playing it, I love watching it, I love talking about it. I enjoy reading about it, analying the stats and scouting reports. I always have and likely always will. There was a brief period of my life, back in the 1990s, when I was on the other side of the game. Working in the sports media, of all sudden, baseball wasn't fun anymore - it was an around-the-clock annoynance. Not many people are cut out for that type of broadcasting - its not as fun as it seems. But I was cut out for it. I was good at what I did. People thought I was nuts to leave such a 'dream job.' But it wasn't so perfect - the ridicilously low pay, the long hours, dealing with the 'personalities' - it wore me out. So 'sayanara' (it doesn't mean goodbye!).

And just a few short weeks after I said goodbye, the strike of '94 hit. By that point, I'd had enough of the millionaire babies and their game... Personally, and professionally, I was in another place. A self-imposed exile followed.

Graduallity, I've warmed back up to baseball, and the 2005 season has been the pinnacle of my baseball fandom.

For now, I'm leaving the decision open. I'll continue to update in the offseason as the Hot Stove League warms up. Come spring, well, we'll see...


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