Sandberg: Woman of the corn

corn cobb
So Ryne Sandberg makes it into the baseball hall of fame. Great, he deserves it - he was rock steady at second, and one of the best at his position ever. His election to the hall today gave fans everywhere the opportunity to watch the photo retrospectives of his career on various web sites.
One that resurfaced on was a pic of his ex-wife Cindy in that famously ridicilous corn cobb dress she wore to his first retirement press conference in 1994. The horrific memory of Cindy's trampy dress burned into my brain that day, and I thought I had put it behind me. Now, that painful sight has returned to haunt me and other decent well-dressed people. "Oh the humanity!"
Yes, she's a looker. But I can't blame Ryno for giving her the boot - we've all heard the stories of her, uh, adventures. Who knows what the truth is. One thing I do know - the pretty ones are always insane.
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